GSA Vertical Carousels

GSA Contract Vertical Carousels, Vertical Lift Modules & Horizontal Carousels

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Vertical Carousels- US Government

Government file storage requires productivity efficiency and performance unseen by the commercial sector. Vertical Carousels offer up to 90 filing actions per hour, more than double the next system.

Vertical carousels utilize unused overhead space while maximizing valuable floor space. This means that compared to traditional four drawer filing cabinets or lateral files, the vertical carousel can hold up to 160% more files utilizing the same floor space, or the same number of files in 60% less space.

Click on Pictures To View Pages
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Machine Storage Vertical Carousels- US Government- Machine Storage Vertical Carousels
TO Binder Storage Vertical Carousels- US Government- TO Binder Storage Vertical Carousels
Vertical Carousel Without Posting Board- US Government- Vertical Carousel Without Posting Board
Military Records Vertical Carousels- US Government- Military Records Vertical Carousels
ADA Compliant Vertical Carousels- US Government- ADA Compliant Vertical Carousels
Vertical Carousel Aesthetic Design- US Government- Vertical Carousel Aesthetic Design
File Storage Vertical Carousels- US Government- File Storage Vertical Carousels
Government File Storage Vertical Carousels- US Government- Government File Storage Vertical Carousels
Vertical Carousel Seated Position- US Government- Vertical Carousel Seated Position
Automated Vertical Carousels- US Government- Automated Vertical Carousels
Medical Record Vertical Carousels- US Government- Medical Record Vertical Carousels
Vertical Carousel Hand Held Controller- US Government- Vertical Carousel Hand Held Controller


Hanel Storage Systems Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems



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